Residents are being encouraged to have their say on how housing and support solutions are delivered in Cornwall.
The current contracts for Supportive Lifestyles services and Empowering Independence services will come to an end in 2024.
Cornwall Council cabinet member for adults and public health, Andy Virr, said:
“What we are currently seeing is a high demand for this sort of support, where people can live in their own home but have their care and support needs also met, with care workers and often, a communal area and support as well.
“By understanding how people currently feel about the service they get, as well as what they might want in the future, we can make sure our services are fit for purpose, as well as making sure more people are able to access it.”
As well as an online survey, discussions are taking place with a range of stakeholders across Cornwall to understand how well current solutions are working, with the aim of developing the offer that is currently available.
These services provide accommodation and support to young people and working age adults aged 16-64. These are also known as Supported Living Services. This includes services for people with needs related to:
- learning disabilities
- autism
- mental health
- drug/alcohol dependency
- and/or other complex needs
The survey ends on 25 October. People can have their say by filling in the online survey. An easy read version of the survey is also available.
Fill in the survey on Let's Talk Cornwall
When the survey closes the information gathered will be used to develop a business case which will be discussed at the council’s Cabinet meeting in early 2024.