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Information for carers

Information for carers including carers for adults, carers for children, services for carers and contacts for carers.

If you are concerned about someone and you want to make a referral please use our on-line form.

Request help for an adult

Raise a concern about a child

Support in Cornwall website

Support in Cornwall is a online resource to help people find support and care for loved ones.

Commissioning carers services

Information about planning and arranging services to support unpaid carers

Carers for adults

Support if you provide regular unpaid help to someone who cannot manage on their own.

Caring for children and young people with disabilities

Information about services for people caring for children and young people with disabilities.

Carers Partnership Board

Carers Partnership Board was set up in response to national strategies to ensure carers are able to access the support and services they need to remain in their caring role for as long as they wish.

Mental health Support

Find information and support on our mental health pages

NHS Mental Health Conditions

Link to general information about common mental health conditions

Mental Health Crisis Cornwall

Help and information if you are in crisis or know someone who is.

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.