This page provides key facts, figures and evidence about the housing market in Cornwall.
Key Figures
- Average House Price in Cornwall: £319,235 (UK house price index January 2023)
- Households on Cornwall Homechoice social and affordable housing register: 22,975 (snapshot 3rd April 2023)
- Second Homes: 12,679 (Cornwall Council Revenues and Assessments, 30th March 2023)
- Number of Long Term Empty Properties: 2,610 (Cornwall Council Revenues and Assessments, April 2023)
Second home ownership
The second home ownership report summarises statistics and data about second home ownership in Cornwall.
Empty Homes
The empty homes report details the number of empty homes in Cornwall. It also covers trends in empty homes.
Gypsy and Travellers (G&T)
The Gypsy and Travellers report covers Gypsy and Traveller information, Including:
- Percentage of people identifying as G&T
- The different G&T accommodation types
Unauthorised Encampments
The unauthorised encampments report covers information about Cornwall’s unauthorised encampments.
Social Housing in Cornwall
An overview of social housing in Cornwall, including:
- the Homechoice partnership
- social and affordable housing lettings in 2019/20.
Social and Affordable Housing Data for Parishes
Housing data for parishes in Cornwall, including:
- Homechoice households with a local connection by bedrooms required
- How many social and affordable homes in each parish by bedrooms
- Estimated percent of social and affordable housing in each parish
- Total number of lettings through Cornwall Homechoice each year
House Prices and Affordability
The house prices and affordability report gives a summary of the main indicators of house prices. It also covers and private rental affordability.
Park Homes
The park homes report outlines the number of park homes sites across the county.
Decent Homes
The decent homes report details the number and type of property hazards within Cornwall.
The overcrowding report details the number of overcrowded homes in Cornwall by tenure, location and compares Cornwall with other local authority areas.
The under-occupancy report shows Information on housing and where there are 2 or more bedrooms than required by the household, including impact on benefits and perceptions of under-occupancy.
Energy performance certificates
The Energy Performance Certificate report covers information about Cornwall’s energy efficiency in residential properties, the impacts of poor energy efficiency and the work taking place to improve it.
Caravans and temporary structures
The caravans and temporary structures report gives a summary of the number of such structures across Cornwall and their associated risks.