Tier 1
Tier 1 applies if the member is:
- unlikely to be capable of undertaking gainful employment before normal pension age.
Benefits paid to the member
The member’s pension will be:
- enhanced by adding the amount of pension they would have accrued had they continued in employment until their normal pension age.
Tier 2
Tier 2 applies if the member is:
- not entitled to Tier 1 benefits and is unlikely to be capable of undertaking any gainful employment within three years of leaving the employment. But is likely to be able to undertake gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.
Benefits paid to the member
The member’s ill health pension will be:
- based on their accrued membership, plus 25% of the Tier 1 enhancement described above.
Tier 3
Tier 3 applies if the member is:
- likely to be capable of undertaking gainful employment within three years of leaving the employment or before normal pension age if earlier, that member is entitled to Tier 3 benefits for so long as the member is not in gainful employment, up to a maximum of three years from the date the member left the employment.
Benefits paid to the member
Benefits built up to date with no enhancement and as if they had reached normal pension age on the date the member’s employment was terminated. Eligibility is reviewed after 18 months. Please see the section regarding the review of Tier 3 for more details.