Maintenance of open spaces
We maintain many areas of Council owned land such as
- communal areas
- country parks
- grassed areas
- nature reserves
- parks and gardens
- playgrounds
- playing fields
- shrub and flower beds
- woodlands
Other types of land we maintain
You can report a problem with a public right of way, such as a public footpath or bridleway, or a roadside pavement using the links below.
Public Rights of Way (PROW)
A public right of way is a route over land which the public has a legal right to use at any time. Some paths may be surfaced although most are tracks across countryside owned by landowners.Report a problem with a public right of way
Highway and verge maintenance
If the issue is next to a road or highways this is dealt with by a different team.
Please note; Growth from a boundary hedge that separates a field or land from the road is the responsibility of the landowner.
We do have the power to take action on behalf of the landowner when appropriate.
Find out more about hedge & verge maintenance
Grass cutting requests
The cutting of road verges is divided into:
- Rural – for roads with speed limits above 30 mph. These are maintained by the Cormac highways team
- Urban areas – for roads with speed limits under 30 mph, are maintained by the Cormac environmental team