Timing of CIL calculations
- Full applications,
- Reserved Matters applications, and
- Certificate of Lawful Development applications
- Prior Approval Notifications
CIL calculation
CIL payment
The liable party will need to submit a CIL Form 6: Commencement Notice to Cornwall Council. This is used to determine the date that payment becomes due. Cornwall Council has a CIL Instalment Policy. This sets out:
- the number of instalments that can be made, and
- the amount of CIL due in each instalment, based on the total amount CIL payable for the development.
Whether a development is able to pay CIL in instalments depends on the total amount of CIL that is payable. If a development is able to pay by instalments, then the Commencement Notice enables the Council to calculate each due date. The liable party (or parties) will be sent a Demand Notice setting out when each instalment is due.
Late payment and not following the correct process
- surcharges and interest applied to late payments, and
- a number of mechanisms for recovering payments that are due, including court action
Detailed information on the enforcement process can be found on the government website.
Paying CIL
Covid-19 and CIL payments
We will be continuing to process CIL matters and issuing Liability Notices as development is granted permission. Payment of CIL is triggered by commencement of development, so if development commences, CIL becomes payable. A new Instalment Policy came into effect from 1 April 2020, which delays initial payment by six months and then allows six months in between payments. Any development which commences whilst this Instalment Policy is in place, will have those payment terms applied and set out in the Demand Notice. If you have any queries about making payments, please contact the Infrastructure Team at cil@cornwall.gov.uk.