Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) must meet certain conditions to become legally compliant. Town and Parish Council's must meet these conditions. This is set out in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (amended).
Cornwall Council has a statutory role in supporting Neighbourhood Planning. As part of the Neighbourhood Planning process, Town and Parish Councils must submit:
- a letter and
- a map
to the Local Planning Authority. This is to designate the Neighbourhood Area that their plan covers.
Cornwall Council must consult local people. This happens at certain stages during the development of individual plans. This includes the six-week Statutory Consultation (Regulation 16) organised by Cornwall Council.
It is the Council's responsibility to:
- check the Plans are legally compliant
- appoint an Independent Examiner for each individual plan
- organise the Referendums
- Adopt the Plans
Please see the different options below for information. These cover the following stages:
- the NDP Proposal stage
- the Examination and Referendum stage
- the Adopted Plan stage
You can also find out which parishes in Cornwall are developing Neighbourhood Plans.
The Neighbourhood Area Designation applications and draft plan proposals. These have been submitted to Cornwall Council.
The Examination stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process.
The Referendum stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process.
The NDPs that have been made in Cornwall.
Neighbourhood Planning activity in Cornwall
The latest information on individual NDPs being developed.