The plan-making process starts when members of the town or parish council, have the idea of a Neighbourhood Plan for their area. It will involve a small group of people sharing their ideas and aspirations for the local area. It is vital that you have the support of the local community and their help to start the process.
You may wish to organise a public meeting for the local community. This will help them learn about Neighbourhood Plan's and the process involved. It will provide you with an opportunity to ask for volunteers and form a steering group to develop a plan.
At the start-up stage consideration will be given to:
- Whether a Neighbourhood Plan is appropriate for your area and which type will best suit your needs
- Whether you should form a cluster with other parishes
- Defining the Neighbourhood Area boundary
- Gaining community support
- Who will lead the plan-making process and how it is organised
Once the community is on board, a Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group can be identified to coordinate the work. A number of legal requirements will need to be met during the plan making process. This will include notifying Cornwall Council of your intention to prepare a plan and defining the Neighbourhood Area.
This stage also involves planning the work to be undertaken, how to keep everybody informed and how to access funding. You will need to produce a Project Plan to set out a clear plan of action, along with a Community Engagement Plan. This stage will end by formally informing Cornwall Council of the intention to prepare a plan. This is known as Designating your Neighbourhood Area.
You will need to notify Cornwall Council by sending a map of the Neighbourhood area the plan will cover. This will need to be submitted along with a statement stating that the local council is a qualifying body. Cornwall Council will then issue a decision notice confirming the area designation.
The Guidance on the content and policies in your Neighbourhood Plan has guide notes to help you through the process.