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Stage 2 - Developing the Plan

Once your area is designated, the real work of preparing the plan can begin. The bulk of the work falls under this stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process. There are a number of tasks to complete and they have been broken down under four sub-headings:

Stage 2a - Getting to know your neighbourhood

You can gather baseline information about your Neighbourhood Area and the issues you might cover in your plan. You will learn about consulting the local people on the issues to find out what they think.

Stage 2b - Developing your plan's themes, visions and objectives

This is a key point in the plan development. You will review all the information you have gathered and consider the community’s views from the consultation process. This will help you decide which themes are a priority for your plan.

Stage 2c - Writing the policies and identifying projects

There is guidance to help you write the planning policies. You will consider and prioritise the projects identified by the community in your Neighbourhood Plan.

Stage 2d - Testing and approving the plan

You will find guidance on the consultation that must be undertaken on the final draft plan. What you need to do before to submit the plan to Cornwall Council including the legal requirements.


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