Home sorting helps make sure your recycling really is recycled.
Here in Cornwall, we ask people to sort their recycling into the red, blue and orange bags and black box, rather than chuck it all in one bin like some places do.
Sorting your recycling at home makes Cornwall's household recyclables a higher quality and more valuable than if we mixed them all together in one bin.
The high quality and value make it easier for us to find reliable and responsible recycling companies to take Cornwall's recyclables and reprocess them into new products and materials.
This way, we can be sure that most of the:
- paper
- cardboard
- plastics
- tins
- cans and
- glass
that people take the trouble to rescue from the rubbish bin and put out for us to collect really is recycled.
In fact, a whopping 99% of the recycling householders put out for us really is reprocessed.
Find out what happens to your recycling once we collect it from you
If you need more recycling bags or boxes, order them online using our form.
If you are not sure what you can or can’t recycle, visit our recycling A-Z.