Please use the form below to submit your stage one transport appeal form.
The information you provide is being collected by the Transport Coordination Service within the Economic Growth and Development Directorate of Cornwall Council for the purpose of assessing your current and future eligibility for transport provision or assistance, including any appeals you may submit. The information you provide will be retained until 31 August in the year after which the individual for whom you are applying for turns 25 years of age. This information may also be shared with the individual's previous, current or proposed school/college and other Council services and professionals for the purposes of determining eligibility and/or transport requirements.
Where transport is approved, some of the information you provide will also be shared with Cornwall Council’s approved transport providers - details of whom can be viewed via - for the purposes of procuring suitable transport provision. The data held will be used both for the provision of services and also for performance and service planning, and will be held in a secure environment after which time it will be destroyed in a secure manner. If you wish to see what data we hold about you, or ask that we rectify this data or erase the data you should contact the Transport Coordination Service via email or telephone (0300 1234 222).
More information can be found on our privacy policy.