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Make a code of conduct complaint online

Please read the guidance notes before completing this form. It is important that you give us the information we need to make a reasoned and informed decision on your complaint.

It will be helpful to refer to the following document:

Please note;

All fields marked with an * must be completed

Privacy statement

The information you provide on this form will be held by Cornwall Council and used by us to process your complaint. The information you provide on this form will be held for a minimum of 3 years. After which period it will be reviewed for further retention or destroyed in a secure manner.

All personal information held by Cornwall Council is held safely in a secure environment. We will share this information with:

  • other departments of Cornwall Council
  • appropriate City, Town and Parish Councils, along with their elected representatives

This is to enable completion of statutory duties. Information will not be used for any other purpose by Cornwall Council.  It will not be passed onto any other third party without your permission.

The information you provide on this form will be held by Cornwall Council and used by us to assess, your complaint. We will share this information, but not your personal contact details, with:

  • the subject member and
  • the independent person, who has been appointed by the standards committee and allocated to this complaint

This is so that they can provide their views on the complaint. Your name, but no other personal details, will be in the decision notice.  This is issued at the end of complaints process and this will be published online.

Your information will not be used for any other purpose by Cornwall Council and the independent person.  It will also not be passed on to any other third party without your permission. The subject member may share your information with a third party if they wish to seek further advice on how to respond to your complaint.

The information you provide on this form will be kept for five years. It will then be destroyed in a secure manner. All personal information held by Cornwall Council is held safely in a secure environment.

View full privacy statement