As part of the Council's commitment to being open and transparent, we publish our responses to Freedom of Information requests online. This is also known as the disclosure log.
The freedom of information requests have been grouped together under the following categories with examples of what it is included.
Some excel spreadsheets in relation to requests have been converted to PDF format. If you would like a copy of the information in excel format please request email
- Placements for elderly care
- Learning disability
- Safeguarding
Benefits, council tax and business rates
- Council tax benefit
- Business rates
- Vacant properties
Children, schools and families
- Adoption and fostering
- Safeguarding
- Child protection
Highways issues, including:
- surfacing works
- potholes
Council property and procurement
- Affordable housing
- Empty houses
- Property spend
- Homelessness
- Social Housing
- Homechoice
- Emergency housing
Council staff, jobs, pay and expenses
- Mileage claims
- Councillors allowance
- Salary and expenses
Environment, waste and recycling
- Environment
- Climate change
- Recycling and waste
Fire, rescue, community safety and localism
- Details of incidents and statistics
- IT hardware and software
- IT security
- Hacking and Cyber Attacks
- Requests that do not fall into the other categories
Planning, parking and transport
- Car park charges
- Parking tickets
- Planning applications
Public protection and environmental health
- Licensing
- Public health funerals
- Trading standards
- Animal welfare
Spending, budgets and pensions
- Section 106 Agreements
- Pensions
- Council spending
- Public Health Grant
- Sexual Health Services
- Smoking Cessation