You can use this form to report street works problems including:
- traffic lights at roadworks
- a skip that is not lit or is causing an obstruction
- scaffolding which is dangerous, unlicensed, unlit or causing an obstruction
- hoardings that are dangerous or causing an obstruction
- traffic management at roadworks for example cones, pedestrian barriers, or unprotected excavations
- builders’ materials that are not protected or are causing an obstruction
- footway crossings (vehicle crossing over a pavement) that are dangerous or unlicensed
- banners or bunting that are causing an obstruction or offence
Privacy statement
The information you provide on this form will be held by Cornwall Council and used by us to investigate your enquiry and improve our services.Â
We will only use this information to fulfil your enquiry/request for service. We may also share your information with our relevant teams and service delivery partners within the Highway and/or Environment sections to help fulfil your request.
Our policy requires data submitted to be held indefinitely for asset management and liability purposes.